Summer heat could do a damage to your beautiful lock, the constant sun exposure made your lock dull, dry and sometimes smell bad. Here is my my little trick on dealing with the heat.
1. Braids, Ponytail, and Wide Hats
I know I live in country when the sun shine 365 days. For the hotter days I would hide the strand from sun rays under Supper Wide Hat (Plus it also protect my face from sun, Yeah!) or I braid my hair to keep them away from face and my neck.
2. Dry shampoo
Hot and humid weather make shorten your hair days. If you had dry hair, during the summer time, only the root area became supper greasy and the end of the locks still dry. Shampooing your hair every time only makes the ends more drier. So I would use dry shampoo to bring back the clean look and fresh root.
Try: Klorane Dry Shampoo With Nettle
3. Spray Some Sunscreen
The radiation of UVA and UVB can makes discoloration on your hair. Applying sunscreen cream could be a horror! Your hair could end up supper greasy and shiny (not in good way). There's many hair product with sun rays protection. But I just spray my favorite sunscreen lotion, they work just well. You won't end up with to much product in your hair and easy to apply.
Try La Roche Posay Anthelios SPF 60 Ultra-Light Sunscreen Lotion Spray
Summer is finally a beach/pool season. If you spend most if your summer days swim you need to wash the chlorine/salt water from your hair. Then you need to apply some conditioner too return all the moisture than been striped by the chorine/salt water.
The sun rays,salt water and chlorine, make your hair dull, dry and unmanageable. After shampoo, and conditioner I would love to use some hair oil to bring back the shine and silkiness of my hair.
I use Lucido-L treatment oil
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